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Terms & Conditions

Last Updated Dec 17th 2016


By using our Website and / or by using any download, including but not limited to mp3 downloads, you agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use ("Terms & Conditions"). We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms & Conditions at any time. You should check these Terms & Conditions periodically for changes. By using this Website after we post any changes to these Terms & Conditions or otherwise notify you of such changes, you agree to accept those changes, whether or not you have reviewed them. If you do not agree to these Terms & Conditions, you should not use our Website and, if applicable, you should discontinue listening to any mp3 purchased, received at no charge or available on Youtube


Scope of Terms & Conditions


Unless we indicate otherwise, these Terms & Conditions apply to your use of the websites which are owned or operated by Ethos Solutions Inc., namely "" and "Think Yourself Slim" and our affiliates (collectively, "we," "us," or "our"), including, without limitation, this website and any other website that we may own or operate currently or in the future (collectively, our "Website"). For purposes of these Terms & Conditions, "affiliates" shall mean any entity or person, directly or indirectly, owning a controlling interest in, owned by, or under common ownership control "" and "Think Yourself Slim", Ethos Solutions Inc.. ("Ethos Solutions Incorporated"), and its respective subsidiaries and affiliates.


The scope of Terms and Conditions also applies to any and all recordings downloaded from this website or from any affiliate or third party sales channel or written and recorded by Ethos Solutions Inc., or "Think Yourself Slim".  Wherever we refer to "you", "the listener" or "the user" or "the purchaser" or "the customer" this is in reference to any visitor to the website or purchaser of any MP3 download, or visitor to this Site or to the Youtube channel found at or any person who listens to any audio recording recorded by Ethos Solutions Inc. (including Think Yourself Slim).


Terms & Conditions - In General


By using this Website, you agree to be legally bound and to abide by these Terms & Conditions, just as if you had signed this agreement.


From time to time, we may supplement these Terms & Conditions with additional terms and conditions pertaining to specific content, activities or events ("Additional Terms"). Such Additional Terms may be placed on the Website to be viewed in connection with the specific content, activities, features or events and shall be identified as such. You understand and agree that such Additional Terms are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms & Conditions.


Minimum Age

You must be of legal adult age in your state, region or country before using this website, or any of our affiliates' products or services or to listen to any hypnotherapy / guided meditation MP3 recording written and recorded by Think Yourself Slim.

You must always follow the guidance notes and advice accompanying any downloads or content on the Site.


Permitted Listening Conditions for Audio MP3s

Please only ever listen to any of these recordings when you are in a quiet space, ideally at home or in a quiet room.


Never listen to any of these recordings while driving or operating machinery or when required to remain alert to your environment as you may become very relaxed and may even fall asleep.


All recordings are best listened to on headphones.


Permitted use of Audio File MP3 Downloads


By purchasing or obtaining free copies any audio downloads via the Site you shall be entitled to:

  • download the MP3 file onto a single computer or by any other means agreed between us from time to time;

  • save a copy of the MP3 download onto an MP3 player or onto the hard drive of your computer and/or tablet owned by you or onto your personal Dropbox account owned soley by you with sharing permissions set to limited sharing only to yourself for your personal, private use;

  • use the hypnosis download by listening to it only for your own individual, personal use at all times.

Health Disclaimer


The service and any information contained on or provided through the service are provided for educational, informational and entertainment purposes on an "as is" basis.


Nothing found on this site or in any MP3 recording by Think Yourself Slim should be considered or used as a substitute or even partial replacement for any physical or mental medical treatment, advice.

These recordings and this Website are intended for relaxation, self-improvement and entertainment purposes only.   Hypnosis is not a replacement for any counseling or psychotherapy.  The recordings produced by Think Yourself Slim do not diagnose, cure or prevent any mental or physical health condition or illness or prevent any illness or condition of the body or mind, they cannot tell you what will happen to you in the future. 


If you think or know you have a health issue, talk to your doctor before listening to any part of this recording.  Never delay, change or stop any treatment, medication or regime without consulting with your doctor or health care professional first.  Never change your lifestyle, including but not limited to diet, exercise, sleep or anything else without consulting with your doctor first and following his or her advice.


If you ever feel unwell at any time while listening to these recordings, you must seek immediate medical attention. 


You should continue taking regular medical check-ups.


If you know you have any kind of mental health issues, you should NOT buy or listen to any of our hypnosis recordings. If you wish the benefits of hypnotherapy, ask your counselor or therapist.


By listening to this recording you confirm that you have checked any suspected or confirmed mental or physical health condition with a doctor and you accept full responsibility for all outcomes.  You understand that hypnosis is merely a process of suggestion and you can always accept or reject the suggestions you receive.  You are always in control.  


All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  As a result, we cannot guarantee (a) that you will get results within a certain time period or, for that matter, that you will get any results at all or (b) that any results you do get will be permanent.

Any access is voluntary and at the sole risk of the user.  As a user of this Service, you agree that "", "", "" and "" and Think Yourself Slim is not a service that targets any particular user group, business, industry or community.

Restrictions on Use of Materials


Users are not to hold Ethos Solutions Inc. or the brands Think Yourself Slim or any of our affiliates or subsidiaries, successors, licensees, or any respective officers, employees and directors, liable for any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses (including barrister and solicitor fees and costs) whatsoever with relation to any services or third party claims that are in any way connected to or associated with this site. Should you be in any way dissatisfied with the services of this site, your only remedy will be to stop using the site and the Service it provides.


The Site has not been evaluated by any government or official body.


Listening Conditions


By downloading these recordings the user agrees to never listen to any of these recordings while driving or operating machinery or when performing any other task or when required to remain attentive to their environment, for yourself or for others.


Download Limits and Download Support


Due to admin costs, we can only reset and resend orders up to 3 times.  We provide two different methods to download which are available to anyone with any device that uses Dropbox or has storage for files.  After that, should you require your order to be resent, you will be invoiced and will need to pay a $10 admin fee per each order resent.  This helps us keep the Program cost low to be enjoyed by everyone. Should you need instructions on how to download, please check the FAQ here:


Prohibited Use


You agree not to use this Website to:


(a) Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Postings or other materials that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable (in our sole discretion);


(b) Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, any user of this Website, a director, officer, employee, shareholder, agent or representative of Ethos Solutions Inc., our affiliates or any other person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with Ethos Solutions Inc. and brands "Think Yourself Slim"and "Think Slim" our affiliates or any other person or entity;

(d) Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Postings or other materials transmitted to or through this Website;


(c) "Stalk", use aggressive or foul language or otherwise harass another user of this Website or employee of ThinkYourselfSlim, Ethos Solutions Inc. or our affiliates; or


(d) Solicit, collect or post personal data or attempt to solicit, collect or post personal data about other users of the Website (including user names and passwords) or about any other third party;


(e) Access or attempt to access another user’s account without his or her consent.

Patreon Members Only Site


By logging in to this site you agree to only use the videos for personal private use, to not attempt to download any video in part or in whole, or any part of the audio component.  You agree to keep your members login ID and password for just your own personal, private use and to never share your login credentials.

Copyright Law


By using this Website, and any recordings produced by Ethos Solutions Inc. or Think Yourself Slim you confirm that:

  • agree not to broadcast, resell or redistribute any recording, part of any recording, whether paid or unpaid distribution, broadcast or resale;

  • agree not to transcribe in part or whole any part of the MP3 recording(s);

  • agree not to use any content and resell or re-use as if it were your own, whether paid or unpaid use;

  • agree not to re-record the spoken content in part or in whole; all scripts are unique and copyright protected;


You must not use any content of the Site or hypnosis downloads or hypnosis scripts for any commercial purpose.

All recordings and written and verbal contente are unique and protected by copyright law. 


We reserve the right to suspend the Site at any time for operational, regulatory, legal or other reasons.


If you are purchasing audio file downloads as a consumer, nothing in these terms shall be deemed to have affected your statutory rights.

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