Overview of the
Think Yourself Slim Program

The Program Includes
Meditations and Hypnosis
to retrain your subconscious
to align your conscious mind
to support your life and habit changes
Access anywhere, any time
Listen on your phone, tablet or computer, on or offline
Listen to Samples of the
Think Yourself Program
Each part of the Program has a theme that goes far beyond the diets approach of "eat less, work out more". Rather than relying on willpower alone, the Think Yourself Slim Program actually retrains and rewires your brain to align with your health and weight goals.
Day 1: Mind-Body Connection Mindful Eating
In Day 1 you re-learn the basics of trusting your mind and body again and learning mindful eating.
You learn to:
eat mindfully, aware of every bite
trust your body again
reconnect to your natural appetite
affirmations to reinforce feeling calm around all food
meal time coaching to walk you through retraining to eat with mindfulness
NOTICE: How calm and centred you feel you feel and how you are more aware of every bite
Day 2: No More Diets or Cravings
Day 2 is the antidote to all diets and all deprivation and eating disorder mentalities. You will
undo negative programming from diets and media
guided imagery journey to tune out the traps of dieting
stop counting, measuring, restricting and obsession over food
affirmations for calm eating
NOTICE: How emotions around food are reduced, feeling calm.
Day 3: End Emotional Eating
Day 3 continues to undo the negative assocations you have with food:
journey to explore all aspects of emotional eating
powerful hypnosis to stop using food to bury emotions
affirmations that give a new way to meet each type of emotional need
coaching to teach you about the 4 types of emotional eating, help you reflect & give you reaction changing strategies.
NOTICE: Your release from emotional eating breaking negative cycles.
Day 4: Positive Body Image and Self-Esteem
As the saying goes, you cannot do a job well if you do not love your work. You cannot improve your body if you do not love it.
Day 4 allows you to:
resolve conflict of emotions and self-criticism
recognize that self-criticism is learned, not our natural state
reverse criticism, channelling 100% of your energy to positive goals
guided imagery of love and acceptance of each part of the body
NOTICE: How you are more accepting of your body now and have even more motivation to continue to your ideal healthy weight.
Day 5 Part 1: Retrain Your Taste Buds to Love Healthy Food
Day 5 Part 2: Erase Temptation
Congratulations! You are continuing to build new habits
In Day 5 you will:
retrain your taste buds to like natural whole foods
increase dislike of processed foods: sugary, salty and greasy food
hypnosis to tune out images of fast food
positive suggestions to incorporate healthy food at meal times
NOTICE: How you start to filter out junk food and processed foods, how you can easily recall and feel dislike for unhealthy foods and develop tastes for natural foods.
Day 6: Motivation to Get Moving
As your body rebalances and you feel more and more accepting of self, you will start to find fun ways to start moving.
Day 6 allows you to:
break negative associations with exercise and rewire your brain to love moving your body
find fun ways to move at home, at work, anywhere!
let go of unachievable goals
find easy ways to move every day, to build habits that last a lifetime
NOTICE: How you start to feel movement is fun
Day 7: Deep Sleep and Weight Loss Hypnosis
As it is the end of the week we are ending up with the most relaxing recording. Like a massage for the mind, this will both relax you and support your goals
Day 7 will:
reinforce all the key messages from days 1 to 6
send you off to deep sleep using guided imagery of a beach sunset
boost your metabolism, balance hormones, burn fat as you sleep
coaching will give you determination to keep going
affirmations will reinforce resilience and self-belief
Sweet dreams...

Short Term Goals
High Impact Habits
Mindset Shift
It takes 21 days to create a habit
that lasts a lifetime.
Instead of chasing a number on a scale, start to think of the habits you will form and the mindset you will train so you no longer need to worry about weight
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